Welcome to the NO-FEAR project January newsletter | |
A guide to our latest work and news | |
Welcome to the eighth edition of the NO-FEAR newsletter. NO-FEAR brings together a network of emergency medical care practitioners, suppliers, decision makers and policymakers to collaborate and exchange knowledge and good practice.
You can read more about the project here, and check out the latest news below. | |
NO-FEAR Delft workshop: The importance of standardisation | |
29-30th November 2022 - Delft, Netherlands | |
The NO-FEAR consortium met in the Dutch city of Delft in November 2022, as partners approached the final six months of their project to improve emergency medical care across Europe by combining the expertise of practitioners, suppliers, and authorities. After its last progress meeting, the consortium opened its doors for a public workshop on the importance of standardisation. You can read more about this here, and view the workshop on our YouTube channel. | |
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14th December 2022 - Madrid, Spain | |
NO-FEAR partners SAMUR – Protección Civil were pleased to have the opportunity to address a plenary session of the Madrid City Council in December 2022, and demonstrate the contribution of NO-FEAR to public safety in the city. You can read further details here.
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NO-FEAR is delighted to announce its upcoming final conference, in Brussels and online. Save the date, and follow our social media and website for further details. | |
Our YouTube channel is regularly updated with webinars and videos, including the following: | |
NO-FEAR webinar: Prehospital response - War in Ukraine | |
In this webinar, we indicate some preliminary lessons learned from the prehospital (international) response to the war in Ukraine.
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NO-FEAR full-scale simulation in Novara | |
Back in May 2022, NO-FEAR held a workshop in Novara, Italy, to understand the state-of-the art on training in the field of disaster medicine. You can view a summary of this full-scale exercise here, involving multiple agencies responding to a simulated mass casualty event. | | | |
NO-FEAR Israel simulation exercise | |
In Kefir Saba, Israel, NO-FEAR partners coordinated another complex mass casualty simulation scenario. This video provides an overview of the operation. | | | |
Training Manual for Ambulance and Pre-Hospital Response in Risk Situations - new material from NORCROSS | |
NO-FEAR partners NORCROSS (the Norwegian Red Cross) recently published a training manual for ambulance providers, exploring the management of patient care and risk to medical personnel. You can access this resource here. | |
NO-FEAR is a proud member of the PREPARE cluster (PREparedness and resPonse for emergency situAtions in euRopE) alongside other disaster management research projects. Read updates from our cluster partners: | |
PHIRI anniversary and newsletter The PHIRI (Population Health Information Research Infrastructure) project recently celebrated its two year anniversary, showcasing key outputs so far through the European Health Information Portal. You can sign up to the newsletter here for future PHIRI updates.
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STAMINA crisis simulation trial in Marseille About one hundred participants attended a STAMINA crisis simulation training in Marseille on October 12th 2022. Two crisis management meetings were held in the morning, before emergency services gathered in the afternoon for a field training to assess decision-making and patient circuits in the scenario of a measles outbreak among under-vaccinated people. You can read more here. | | | |
NO-FEAR relies on its strong, collaborative network of trusted stakeholders: - The practitioners, decision and policy-makers network provides expertise to identify requirements, needs, and operational gaps in the Emergency Medical System.
- The NO-FEAR supplier and academia network includes members from industry, academia, and research fields, who innovate to enhance response capability for security-related incidents.
The NO-FEAR interactive portal serves as a unique online dynamic catalogue of the identified gaps, needs and trends as well as the technological tools and research-technological projects related to EMS. In addition to perusing the catalogue, you can also contribute with your expertise by adding your knowledge to the catalogue to share with the online community. | |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 786670. | | | |