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Wednesday 26th July 2023


Dear Guest, here are some updates and information:


Brookhill Court Higher!

In March 2019 we publicised the plans to build more flats on top of Brookhill Court (at the corner of Cat Hill and Brookhill Road - opposite the old library). There was quite an outcry with 38 objections and zero support, and the plans were quietly withdrawn in May 2019. We thought that might be the end of it, but no - here's a new application!

23/2315/PNV is hoping to build 6 new flats on top of the existing building.

There are already objections on the planning website concerned that if this block is made higher it will overwhelm the neighbouring properties, like Feline Court. There are also concerns about additional residents competing for the already difficult parking in that area. If you have any comments, you can add them to the Council's website.


Tree Rings Project

The CPRE London team write:

"Imagine nurturing a tiny seed and growing it into a strong tree which will go on to become part of London’s new tree ring - with a key role in fighting climate change.

London’s countryside charity, CPRE London, is calling on park friends to collect seeds and grow saplings which will become part of their ambitious project to create a ring of trees around the capital.

The tree ring will deliver a continuous circle of woodland around the capital - creating an animal super highway, just like an M25 for nature. This exciting project will help ensure that London’s green belt plays a more powerful role in carbon capture and strengthening biodiversity, along with improving the wellbeing of Londoners.

The continuous ring of trees will bridge green belt gaps in outer London and create corridors for wildlife. The tree ring will help the green belt to do its job of preventing urban sprawl. Without it London could spread like Los Angeles and if that happened the city would cover an area from Cambridge to Brighton.

Local park friends in communities in the green belt or nearby can help by collecting tree seeds reflecting the natural range of trees in the vicinity, and propagating them for future planting. To find out how to do this, CPRE London has linked with The Woodland Trust, who have an easy to follow guide.

CPRE London’s Director, Anna Taylor says: “Many of us are worried about climate change but feel helpless. In this small way each of us can contribute by growing and nurturing trees - one of the most powerful weapons against a global warming.

“Many Londoners don’t have space to plant a tree, but can help by developing a sapling which will go on to become part of the tree ring. Our dream is that local, self-sourced trees will be a big part of the thousands of trees needed for the tree ring.”

For further information please email
and here's an article in The Guardian

Tennis Courts

You've probably noticed the bright blue and green tennis courts in Oak Hill Park which have recently been re-surfaced.

The Barnet Green Spaces Network write:

"The construction programme for tennis ... is partner funded by the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and court colour was selected by the LTA as part of their national campaign (green court with a blue surround). 

All sites will have PIN access gates, some of which are in place already with more to follow. The gates will become active from end of July/early August ... all courts will remain free to play until Monday 4 September 2023 when the new charging model will be launched.

Banners and posters will be installed in early August and the website will be updated to warn users of the forthcoming changes. 

The new charging model will be across all courts as follows; Annual Season Tickets 

  • Adults £35 (per year)
  • Concessions £15 (per year Under 16s and over 60s)

Holders will be able to make two 1 hour bookings per week at no extra charge.

Non annual season ticket holders; Hourly charge in line with the councils current fees and charges. 

  • Adults £8.00 per hour 
  • Concessions £4.00 per hour 
Free to play sessions 

Mon- Fri, 10-11am, 4-5pm and 5-6pm across all courts."

The online booking form is here


Car Free Day

East Barnet and Brunswick Park councillors have forwarded the following from Barnet Council:

"We have been running a pilot Play Streets scheme which commenced in March for a six month period, due to end in August.

I am writing to advise you of an exciting opportunity for our residents to trial a Play Street during the ‘Swap your Car for a Spacehopper’ event. This annual event is London wide, bringing communities together and allows children to play in a car free environment. The event will be held over the weekend of Friday 22 to Sunday 24 September 2023, and we invite residents to apply.

To ensure officers have sufficient time to process applications and put in place relevant Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO) to close roads for the Car Free Day, we request applications to be submitted by 18 August 2023. As this event requires a road closure, we ask all applicants to complete the following ahead of applying:

  • Engage their neighbours to seek agreement
  • Consider the type of road i.e., bus route/main roads would not be appropriate
  • Complete the Street Party application which can be found using this link on the Barnet Council website

London Play have free play equipment (spacehoppers and other toys/games) to give away to the first 100 streets across London that let them know they’ve applied for the Car Free Day. 

Applicants can find adaptable resource material using this link

Applicants can apply to London Play to request free equipment if available by emailing"

What do you think about this Play Street idea? Please fill in this quick EBRA survey and we'll give the councillors your anonymous feedback. Thank you.


Trees For Streets

EBRA member Steven Cowen forwarded this info:

"Barnet Council has partnered with the charity - Trees for Streets - to make it easier for residents to sponsor new tree planting in their local streets and parks.

You can choose to sponsor a Street Tree right outside your house, or sponsor a Celebration Tree in one of Barnet's beautiful parks or recreation grounds.

We also support community crowdfunding campaigns and are very happy speaking with local businesses.

This is just one of a number of innovative strategies the council is using to to plant more trees in local streets, parks and green spaces, to help reduce air pollution, absorb carbon, improve mental and physical wellbeing for residents and generally make Barnet an even nicer place to live."

There's more information on their website here

East Barnet Festival 2024

The Festival organisers say "We would like thank everyone who has put their name forward to volunteer for next years festival it is really appreciated! We can announce the festival dates are 28th 29th & 30th June 2024. If you can volunteer to help at the festival, please do email us at"

They have also set up a Go Fund Me page for donations to help ensure the event can go ahead, saying:

"Please support this great event, the festival takes alot of money to put on and is self funded from fund raising and the support of local businesses in East Barnet. We want to put a great festival on next year and more money we raise now will enable us to put more on for everyone's enjoyment The festival is run by a small committee and local volunteers who give up their time for free to ensure this great event goes ahead. So if you want a weekend of great music and entertainment please give what you can. Thank you from all of the committee."


Theatre in the Park

A reminder that the next performance in this year's Theatre in the Park season is this Sunday 30th July 3pm to 4:30pm

Join Peter and his naughty cousin Benjamin at Oak Hill Park on their hair-raising adventures in Mr Mcgregor’s garden at our charming adaptation at Oak Hill Park golf course.

Please bring blankets and foldaway chairs to sit on and come dressed for the weather! Light refreshments available.

Barnet Arts website


Best regards,

Rob White

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