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Monday 9th October 2023


Dear Guest, a quick update this time with just a couple of items.


Community Safety

EBRA member Jennifer Grocock is the chair of the East Barnet Ward CAP. She's asked to forward this message from the Metropolitan Police, Barnet Neighbourhoods Inspector:

"With the increase in tension in the Middle East we are working with all communities to provide reassurance and keep people safe. We are working in partnership with the Community Security Trust and local authorities to ensure that all our communities, Schools and Faith premises feel safe.

"As part of this we will be increasing our patrols across Barnet, Brent and Harrow as part of our tri-borough response to the developments abroad over the weekend.

"This is part of a reassurance plan for all communities. We remain in contact with partners and community leaders to listen to any concerns and will be actively monitoring tension related incidents.

"Anyone who experiences any crime, threatening behaviour or is worried about their safety is urged to contact the police immediately.

Inspector Marc Cash

Barnet Neighbourhoods Inspector

Metropolitan Police Service 

Barnet Police Station 26-32 High Street, Barnet EN5 5RU"


Trent Park House - Newsletter

The latest update from the team who are turning parts of the restored Trent Park House / Mansion into a museum:

Click / tap the image to read the newsletter

They also say "We are looking to document early memories of Trent Park, including during WWII, so if you, or anyone you know was connected to Trent Park prior to 1950, please get in touch."

Best regards,

Rob White

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